I'm the owner of Soma Holistic Health & Wellness.

Nutritious foods, movement, peace, and self care is what I'm all about.

The mind & body are the only things that we really own, add quality to the years of your life and thrive!


I attended the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition in Ottawa, Ontario and graduated in 2017 in Ontario. After graduation, I continued my education with advanced programs including Immunology, Nutrition and Athletic Performance, Nutrition and Pharmacology, Detoxification, and Safe and Effective Supplementation between 2018-2021.

I continued to get my Functional Nutrition certification in 2022 where we covered all the topics that we learned in nutrition school, but we dove even deeper.

Currently, I am taking the “Oh Baby Nutrition” program to learn about pregnancy & baby. I will graduate in 2023.

I then realized in order to put everything I've learned into action; I needed to learn to cook healthy foods that nourish our bodies so that my family and I can love and enjoy them. I am not a fan of chicken and broccoli every day!

Food needs to be mouthwatering, flavorful, and savory. So, I decided to take the Culinary Expert Program at the Academy of Culinary Nutrition and graduated in 2019.



I was born and raised in the quiet little town of Casselman, Ontario along with my three siblings by my two wonderful parents. My parents always had a restaurant (of course, we are Greek!) It was a family affair. When I was old enough, I was into the restaurant full time and loved it! Managing, cooking, planning parties, weddings, it was a wonderful time. 

I moved to Gatineau, Quebec when I met the love of my life and pursued my career in that location. 

At one point in my life, I thought I knew it all.

I was a certified personal trainer, ate well (so I thought), trained all the time, even ran 10K a few times per week. I ran the 5K spartan race at one point too.

Then I started getting these weird pains in my stomach – but nothing slowed me down.

Those few minutes of pain then turned into hours of debilitating pain over the next few months. Finally, my sister said enough is enough, we are going to the hospital.

Long story short – my gallbladder had to come out. What? I was so healthy, why were they taking one of my organs? No one knew.

Just return to life as normal, no changes to your diet.”

That was the worst advice I ever received.

After a few years of dealing with constipation, diarrhea, and nutrient deficiencies contributing to depression, I knew this wasn’t the way.

I dug a little deeper and found that it had everything to do with nutrition.

This is what made me change my path and go to school in nutrition. I wanted to shout out from the rooftops “If you had your gallbladder taken out, you are not alone! Here’s how to handle it!” Everyone should be granted this information. 

Nutrition is everything – it literally makes us.

Look down at your plate of food next time you eat. That will make your eyes, your skin, your heart, your intestines. What you eat turns into YOU. Our bodies are fascinating. A good nutrition will keep your eyes bright, your skin glowing, you will age slower, and with more grace.

You will be stronger and happier – it’s all in the power of nutrition.

Now that I have 2 small kids at home – I also realize how much support new mothers need. Support and information that isn’t always available to them. I truly believe that good habits start as early as a child being in the womb, that how we feed them will determine whether their bodies will be in EASE or DIS-EASE. The earlier we can educate the better!


Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist or dietician. I do not take any action reserved for these professionals.