Mock Turtle Recipe
Electra Kiriakakis Electra Kiriakakis

Mock Turtle Recipe

🐣Easter is coming!🐣

I thought you might enjoy a nice Easter treat that isn’t full of additives, preservatives, colorings, or packed with that white stuff!

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Today’s the Day!
Electra Kiriakakis Electra Kiriakakis

Today’s the Day!

😁!!Today is the day!!😁

As promised – My Gentle Detox Program is available for purchase starting today for ONLY 20$! This is over 80% savings available until April 15th.

In this program you get 7 educational videos where I talk about the ins and outs of detox, a 7-day meal plan with 3 meals and 2 snacks, as well as a grocery list.

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Are Detoxes a Scam??
Electra Kiriakakis Electra Kiriakakis

Are Detoxes a Scam??

Are detoxes a scam??

You have every right to be weary of pretty much anything being sold out there, especially when it comes to your health. You need to be curious, ask questions, and make yourself comfortable before committing to anything.

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Easter is Coming!!
Electra Kiriakakis Electra Kiriakakis

Easter is Coming!!

Such a fun occasion – Easter egg hunt, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. Yet another holiday filled with sugar! Don’t get me wrong, once in a while, having some sugar is totally fine. But what happens if your kids simply can’t do it? What if they suffer from ADHD and sugar/preservatives/colorings trigger them?

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Gentle Detox
Electra Kiriakakis Electra Kiriakakis

Gentle Detox

What are the benefits of a well-rounded detox?

👉May help you sleep better

👉May boost your circulation

👉May help rid your body of toxins and give it a fresh start

👉May jumpstart a weight loss journey

👉May help regulate hormones

👉Gives your liver a little extra love, so it stays happy and healthy (and ages you slower!)

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Let’s Get Green!
Electra Kiriakakis Electra Kiriakakis

Let’s Get Green!

Can you believe that 🍀St Patrick's Day🍀 is right around the corner? Time just flies. With every special occasion, comes the unhealthy consumption of food and drinks.

So there’s an abundance of green beer, green cocktails, and deep fried foods. How can we upgrade and make this fun occasion a little healthier? Let me help you with that !

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Fermented Foods
Electra Kiriakakis Electra Kiriakakis

Fermented Foods

Why eat fermented foods? Why not just take a probiotic supplement?

As a holistic nutritionist, I get this a lot. Many people aren’t accustomed to the taste of fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, and so on. So it can be new and a little scary to start adding it into your daily habits. It’s so much easier to just take a pill, right? Well, I’m all for supplementation. But it has to be that, a supplement to your already healthy diet.

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Protect your heart
Electra Kiriakakis Electra Kiriakakis

Protect your heart

❤️Protect your heart❤️

Did you know that heart disease is the result of 1 in every 4 deaths? 😲 This is something to take seriously. Our health as a society, is deteriorating.

How do we avoid this? How do we stack the conditions in our favor to live a long and healthy life?

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