Are Detoxes a Scam??

Are detoxes a scam??

You have every right to be weary of pretty much anything being sold out there, especially when it comes to your health. You need to be curious, ask questions, and make yourself comfortable before committing to anything.

Here are a few reoccurring questions I get from clients:

“Will I go hungry?”

There are many different types of detoxes, but not eating for days is mostly fasting. Proper detoxing needs many different types of amino acids (protein) in order for each detoxification phase to work properly. Our goal is to reduce toxic load – fasting has many benefits but it is not the goal here. During my Gentle Detox, you will eat as much as you want, but I don’t want you to be more than 80% full, I don’t want you to unbutton your pants after every meal, but I don’t want you to go hungry either. During the detox week, we eat mindfully and try to find that balance.

“Do I need to buy a juicer or expensive juices?”

No need here. Juicing is a great way to get extra nutrients in, but you have to know how to do it. Once again, that isn’t the focus here. If you know have a juicer and you know how to juice properly, then go for it. But it isn’t necessary here. We are going for an all-natural whole foods approach.

“Do I need to buy expensive supplements?”

Not at all. I do recommend a few supplements that you can get – but they are optional. They are for those who want to take their detox to the next level.

“What if I’m really new at this? Can I still participate?”

Of course! The joy of this program is that YOU can decide how far you want to take it. I provide a naturally gluten free, dairy free, and sugar free (except the fruit) meal plan. Then I add in all the ‘extras’ you can do. Supplements you can take, things you can eat, activities you can do, whatever fits your comfort level. You can chose to do it basic this time, then kick it up a notch the second time you do it. Your choice

If you are on the fence – my Gentle Detox Program will be available at 20$ taxes in as a launch special. This is over 80% off! So there is no more hesitation, you and your body deserve this!

It will be available at that rate from April 1st-April 15th, then it will go back to regular price of 147$.

If you have any questions, I’m here – don’t be shy

Have a wonderful day & don’t forget to smile with your heart.

Purchase the Gentle Detox Program here.


Today’s the Day!


Easter is Coming!!